Next Stop: City Hall

Join us to tell our City Council that we oppose the clearcutting of Seattle’s urban forest, including Luma and all other old-growth trees like her.
July 25, 2023 1:30 PM
Seattle City Hall, 600 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104

Please join us Tuesday at 1:30pm in the Main Lobby of City Hall as we gather to tell our City Council that we oppose the clearcutting of Seattle’s urban forest, including Luma and all other old growth trees like her, during this time of unchecked climate change.

⭐️ This will be a silent rally in City Council's meeting Chamber, on the 2nd Floor of City Hall. ⭐️

Sequence of Actions:

  1. Enter the Council Chamber, the City Council’s meeting room, as a group
  2. Stand silently in the back of the room with signs (see more below)
  3. Stay with our signs for a total of 15 minutes and then exit quietly. There may be members of the media waiting outside

(Note: We will NOT attempt to make comments becaues urban canopy is not on the current meeting agenda, and any comments we attempt to make will be disallowed by the meeting keeper.)

Our Goals:

  1. Fill the room with a crowd they can’t ignore
  2. Make it clear to City Council that we will be seen, even if their agenda leaves no room for our comments
  3. Send our message: Put Climate Justice on the agenda. Urban canopy is about Climate Justice; Climate Justice belongs on every City Council agenda.


  • Our main signage will focus on the message: “Put Climate Justice on the Agenda”
  • Please feel free to bring your own additional signs, including Save Luma, Don’t Clearcut Seattle, and others. Please keep them related to climate justice or urban canopy.
  • We will have extra signs to share.

The timing and location of City Council meetings are inaccessible by design. We intend to bypass these intentional obstacles to community engagement with an incredible showing on Tuesday afternoon.

If you’re planning to join, THANK YOU and please bring a friend

July 25, 2023 1:30 PM
Seattle City Hall, 600 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104