Doug the Fir Gratitude Gathering in Maple Leaf

Join us for our gratitude gathering for Doug the Fir, to give thanks to mature urban trees and tell city leaders we must do better.
August 8, 2023 7:00 PM
336 Northeast 89th Street, Seattle, WA, 98115

Doug the Fir is Legacy's next victim. Doug is a mature, native and healthy Douglas Fir at the back edge of a lot being redeveloped in Maple Leaf.

Original site plans showed the same development proceeding while retaining Doug on the lot, but Legacy swapped in the unnecessary tree removal at the last minute because it’s the Legacy Way.

The good news:

  • Doug still stands for a few more days because of a technicality regarding the notice of tree work ⏰
  • Ballard Tree Service, the approved tree cutter, also pulled out for now due to people calling in 💪

The less good news:

  • Legacy continues to plow forward with their plans to eradicate Doug from this lot, despite the initial plans they showed to the property owner 🤬


We will be holding our next Gratitude Gathering at a neighbor’s adjacent lot. RSVP here.

Let’s show Legacy and the Seattle Mayor’s Office that we’re not going to let yet another healthy, shade-providing, carbon-sequestering member of Seattle’s original, native urban forest go down.

We had over 300 people show up at our last Gratitude Gathering in Wedgwood, and Luma continues to outlive the timeline that Legacy defined for her. Now let’s do the same for Doug 🌲

August 8, 2023 7:00 PM
336 Northeast 89th Street, Seattle, WA, 98115