Riverton Heights Forest
The Port of Seattle plans to use 27 acres of climate-saving forest in Riverton Heights to build warehouses for SeaTac Airport.

Status:    AT-RISK

Type:   Forest

Address:   24th Ave S, just north of S 154th St, SeaTac

Last Updated:   May 18, 2024

As we see record setting heat waves in Highline, we can't afford to lose our cooling, air-purifying trees.

Tree Action Seattle is supporting our ally, Defenders of Highline Forest, as they fight for the survival of two large forests protecting frontline communities near SeaTac Airport: the North SeaTac Park Forest and Riverton Heights Forest. Both forests are owned by the Port of Seattle, which plans to develop them as “aviation commercial” and cargo warehouses. Residents of these communities suffer from proximity to airport emissions and are lower income. They have shorter lives and worse health than people in other Washington cities on nearly every metric, from infant birth weight to cancer and asthma. Some of the North Seatac site was originally promised as green space to mitigate the construction of Seatac Airport.

How to Help
  1. Email Port of Seattle commissioners asking that the Port’s Land Stewardship Plan value existing trees, not just planting new ones,
  2. Join the 3,600 people who say “no” to developing this forest, and
  3. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on current actions
This campaign is a joint effort with
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24th Ave S, just north of S 154th St, SeaTac
Last Updated:
May 19, 2024